
Showing posts from 2015


   Comparison   is a feature in the  morphology  or  syntax   of some languages, whereby  adjectives   and  adverbs   are  inflected  or modified to indicate the relative degree of the property defined by the adjective or adverb. The usual degrees of comparison are the Positive , which simply denotes a property (as with the English   words   big   and   fully ); the   Comparative , which indicates greater degree (as   bigger   and more fully ); and the   Superlative , which indicates greatest degree (as   biggest   and   most fully ).   Some languages have forms indicating a very large degree of a particular quality (called Elative in  Semitic linguistics). Other languages (e.g. English) can express lesser degree, e.g.   beautiful ,   less beautiful ,   and least be autiful . Degrees of comparison It refers to adjectives being written in...

Questioning, Collaborative and Co-Operative Learning

In the modern world, the field of education is also exposed to a lot of changes. As a result the role of the teacher in a classroom has changed to that of a facilitator. Contemporary classrooms demand novel teaching techniques other than the outdated ones like chalk-talk and lecturing. Narration, description, exposition, explanation, review, group discussion, dramatization, role-play, brainstorming, buzz session, questioning, debate, workshop, co-operative learning, symposium, seminar, collaborative learning etc are some instances for umpteen techniques we shall give a try. Here, I am trying to give a short note on some of them. My concerned topics are :- Questioning method Collaborative method Co-Operative method Questioning method "Questioning by the teacher which does not lead to asking of questions by students is unsatisfactory. If the students are thinking, really trying to solve problems of issue, they will have questions of their own." (Strayer) Questioning is on...


Communication is an integral part of human life which is absolutely inevitable to survive. We should be able to express ourselves in order to survive and excel in the society. For this purpose of communication we need languages. There are four-fold major language skills. They are :- Ø    Listening Ø    Speaking Ø    Reading Ø    writing Among these fourfold functions of language, speaking deserves a special mention. Because 80% of human communication takes place through the medium of speaking. Here, I am trying to analyze what speaking is and how can we achieve the skill of speaking as well as, how can we evaluate it.  Speaking Skills Language is not something ‘in-built’ in human beings. It is a learned behavior as well as it is culturally transmitted. Language is conventional and human beings tend to acquire language in order to communicate with their fellow beings. Hence language is a system of sounds and words, we use both...