
Showing posts from May, 2015


Communication is an integral part of human life which is absolutely inevitable to survive. We should be able to express ourselves in order to survive and excel in the society. For this purpose of communication we need languages. There are four-fold major language skills. They are :- Ø    Listening Ø    Speaking Ø    Reading Ø    writing Among these fourfold functions of language, speaking deserves a special mention. Because 80% of human communication takes place through the medium of speaking. Here, I am trying to analyze what speaking is and how can we achieve the skill of speaking as well as, how can we evaluate it.  Speaking Skills Language is not something ‘in-built’ in human beings. It is a learned behavior as well as it is culturally transmitted. Language is conventional and human beings tend to acquire language in order to communicate with their fellow beings. Hence language is a system of sounds and words, we use both...